First Skate

Welcome to my next blog May15/2022
I have always admired the art by many local artists that capture the essence of the harbour of the Bay of Quinte.
From Manley MacDonald along with Barbara Whelan to all en plein air painters,I credit these amazing individuals whom inspired me to capture in oils the harbour in the winter.
Having sailed, swam, canoed, ice fished, and skated the Beautiful Bay of Quinte, I realized it was time to celebrate the enjoyment it presented me as well as my family and present to you "First Skate" in what I hope is a series of paintings depicting its uniqueness.
This painting captures a moment in time of my grandson Auston proudly experiencing that instance where he stands alone in what will be his stepping stone to his future.
You can always snap a picture in time but a painting is timeless.
Enjoy looking at this painting and remember the childhood memories this captures and embrace your thoughts.
Thanks Adam,Tim,Julia and all those in the background (Matt S and family in there too) and especially the Star "Auston".
Create, Inspire, and Love what you do.
Christopher Finkle